Event Listing

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  1. Rethinking sex, brain and gender: Beyond the binary – Dr Daphna Joel

    Are the brains of women and men the same or different? Or maybe it’s the wrong question? Does the binary division extend beyond the genitalia into the human brain and mind? And why do we care? Dr Daphna Joel invites you to look at the science of gender, sex and the brain, and how freeing ourselves from the gender binary can help us all reach our full human potential.

    This event will be online, on the Skeptics in the Pub Twitch channel.

    7:00PM Thursday 11 August 2022 Twitch
  2. Demolishing Babel — Keith Kahn-Harris

    Could not understanding languages can actually be a tool for peace-making? Can we better appreciate the wonder and joy of language without the pressure to understand? And how can the warning message in a Kinder Surprise Egg be the starting point for a linguistic adventure? In this talk, Dr Keith Kahn-Harris will take the adventure through and beyond his latest book, and invite the audience to join him on it.

    7:30PM Thursday 21 July 2022 The Britons Protection
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