Listing of events tagged with Skeplit

  1. Skeplit and the Quantum Universe

    This month we are reading 'The Quantum Universe' by Jeff Forshaw and Brian Cox.

    The bizarre behaviour of the atoms and energy that make up the universe has led to some very woolly pronouncements on the nature of all interconnectedness. Here, Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw give us the real science, and reveal the profound theories that allow for concrete, yet astonishing, predictions about the world.

    As usual, we will be meeting at The Vienna Coffee House, so pop along for a chat and some cake.

    1:00PM Sunday 26 July 2015 The Vienna Coffee House
  2. Skeplit: 2-for-1 and post-QED chat

    After taking a break in April for QED, we are back in May with two books!

    The Story of Language by Mario Pei and Smart Swarm: Using Animal Behaviour to Organise Our World by Don Tapscott and Peter Miller.

    Feel free to read one, both or neither of the books. We'll also be catching up on all the highlights from QED at our usual haunt of The Vienna Coffee House, so pop along for a chat and some cake.

    1:00PM Sunday 31 May 2015 The Vienna Coffee House
  3. Skeplit Has An Unquenchable Thirst

    This month we will be discussing An Unquenchable Thirst, a memoir by Mary Johnson. In this book, Mary writes about becoming a member of Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity and her struggles with her sexuality, faith and the order itself.

    1:00PM Sunday 22 March 2015 The Vienna Coffee House
  4. Skeplit Puts Maths On Trial

    In February, we will be discussing 'Maths on Trial' by Leila Schneps and Coralie Colmez.

    This book covers ten trials in which maths was used or abused. From faulty calculations to a misunderstanding of probability, even the simplest numbers can result in disastrous courtoom consequences.

    We will be meeting at The Vienna Coffee House so pop along for a chat and some cake.

    1:00PM Sunday 22 February 2015 The Vienna Coffee House
  5. Skeplit and the Secret History of Nasa

    After our break for non-denominational Winterval celebrations, we are back for 2015!

    Our first book/documentary will be Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA by Richard Hoagland and Mike Bara. We will be discussing the 'evidence' presented regarding the occult origins of NASA and the mystical organisations that dominate it.

    There are several videos on YouTube by the authors for those seeking an alternative to reading the book.

    We will be meeting at The Vienna Coffee House so pop along for a chat and some cake. The truth is out there!

    1:00PM Sunday 25 January 2015 The Vienna Coffee House
  6. Skeplit: The GMSS Bookclub

    It's the last SkepLit of the year, and we're going to be looking at the meaning of the 21st century. It might be too early to say, and it might not, but come along to Waterstones Deansgate to share your views on James Martin's book.

    The book: James Martin - The Meaning of the 21st Century
    The venue: Waterstones Deansgate
    The date: 25th November, 2pm.

    This bookclub is run by Joely, who is not on meetup, not my me 'Jamcalli'. I am posting on her behalf. Please check (facebook event!) for up-to-date information!

    2:00PM Sunday 25 November 2012 Costa Coffee, Waterstones Deansgate
  7. SkepLit meets Manchester Girl Geeks: The Age of Spiritual Machines

    This month we're holding a special event with Manchester Girl Geeks, to discuss Ray Kurzweil's The Age of Spiritual Machines.

    Published thirteen years ago, the book contains Kurzweil's predictions about the possibilities presented by a future full of computers. It includes a list of predictions for 10, 20 and 30 years into the future.

    Since the first year of predictions has passed (2009), this is a chance to discuss how accurate t hey turned out to be, and what we think of the chances of his other ideas coming true might be. Hey, we might even start making our own predictions.

    This is a great opportunity to discuss the effect of the computer and internet on our lives, how futurologists make their predictions and how accurate they turn out to be.

    Join us for tea, cake and skeptical geekery!

    Note: Madlab is a community project dependent on donations, grants and charity for support. A small contribution of a £1-2 to help keep it running and providing a space for us all to meet and geek is appreciated.

    2:00PM Sunday 28 August 2011 MadLab
  8. SkepLit: The Great Atheist Picnic

    Yes! This is your chance to talk about the great books of the New Atheism movement.

    SkepLit is hosting a discussion of the recent surge in atheist books, from The God Delusion to The End of Faith.

    Atheism and atheists have become very prominent in the last decade or so with the release of "The Four Horsemen" books, not to mention the fight against creationism in the classman spearheaded by Eugenie Scott.

    This is your chance to talk about the issues raised in those books, whether you agree with their positions and what you think about what they have to say.

    Bring along cakes, cookies, snacks of all descriptions for an Atheist Picnic at Madlab.

    Note: There is no prescribed reading for this session, but it would be beneficial to have read at least one of the major recent books on atheism, or similar books by the same authors:

    The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins; God is not Great - Christopher Hitchens; The End of Faith - Sam Harris; Letter to a Christian Nation - Sam Harris

    If there are others you'd like to recommend to the group, add them on the wall below.

    2:00PM Sunday 26 June 2011 MadLab
  9. SkepLit- The Greater Manchester Skeptics Book Club

    After our successful launch meeting, we're finally holding our first "proper" discussion. The book you've chosen is Margaret MacMillan's The Uses and Abuses of History.

    Come along and join in the debate. Bring your skeptical hats!

    There may be skepticake as well if we ask Mykie nicely.

    2:00PM Sunday 29 May 2011 MadLab
  10. SkepLit: Greater Manchester Skeptics Book Club

    Ever read a book and wondered whether it was good science?

    Want to find out if all those bestsellers like The Secret and Quantum Healing have anything in them?

    Want to read science, discuss science, and even eat cupcakes?

    Greater Manchester Skeptics is launching its new book club, SkepLit. We aim to get critical about the latest science books that hit the shelves, and to find out whether there’s anything in them worth knowing. We’ll be sorting the wheat from the chaff and having a good time along the way. There’s nothing to read for this event, just bring along some suggestions for books you think we could discuss.

    We’re interested in:
    Biographies of people involved in science and new discoveries

    Popular science books such as Richard Wiseman’s Paranormality, John Medina’s Brain Rules, and Simon Singh’s The Code Book

    Pseudoscience books that hit the headlines like Deepak Chopra’s Quantum Healing or The Secret

    Science history books

    LabLit books that fictionalise great scientific breakthroughs, or cover life in the sciences more generally.

    Come along and get involved - you don’t need to be a scientist, just have an interest in working out what’s worth reading and what’s not.

    Note: It would be awesome if any cooks (looking at you Mykie) could bring cupcakes or other snack items.

    MadLab provide tea but a small donation would be appreciated to help their costs.

    Volunteers to help tidy up afterward also appreciated!

    Follow @SkepLit on Twitter for updates.

    2:00PM Sunday 20 March 2011 MadLab