Event Listing

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  1. The Case for Gossip

    This talk aims to introduce listeners to psychological research which provides evidence that gossip is a complex communication tool that we may want to keep, and highlight some of the issues encountered when researching such a controversial topic.

    7:30PM Wednesday 17 May 2017 The Britons Protection
  2. Science March

    Manchester's satellite march on support of science and reason.

    12:00PM Saturday 22 April 2017 Albert Square
  3. Mathematical Life Hacks

    Mathematician and speaker Katie Steckles will show you some mathematical, logical and geometrical tricks to solve some of everyday life's minor challenges.

    7:30PM Thursday 23 March 2017 The King's Arms
  4. Misrepresenting Reality

    Misrepresenting reality without any supporting evidence – indeed, usually directly in the face of the objective evidence. How did the Leave campaign get away with it? And why are we still letting them get away with it?

    7:30PM Wednesday 15 February 2017 The King's Arms
  5. AGM

    It's time for our least interesting event of the year: the AGM.

    Note: we've had to postpone this meeting to the Friday. The pub is likely to be busy so watch for venue updates — or email agm@gmss.uk and I'll make sure you're kept up to date.

    7:00PM Friday 3 February 2017 The King's Arms
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