The Politics of Gender Identity

7:30PM Thursday 30 June 2016 The King's Arms
The idea of Gender Identity is currently enjoying a significant amount of social, political and cultural momentum. An active and highly vocal political movement has emerged around the ideas that at least some, and possibly all, individuals possess something called a “Gender Identity”, that this is often the site of political marginalization and oppression, and that an individual’s professed Gender Identity must be respected and protected. In some cases, this is being converted into legislative changes, with laws protecting individuals from discrimination or harassment on the basis of their Gender Identity being enacted in many jurisdictions.

Especially now that this discourse is being translated into concrete policy and legislative changes, one might hope that this concept – the concept of Gender Identity – would be clearly defined and able to be easily understood. Unfortunately, that is not the case. The terminology and ideas surrounding the notion of Gender Identity are vague, confusing and ever shifting, so that as soon as one has caught up and learned the appropriate terms and the concepts to which they refer, the rules are likely to change. Furthermore, the political discourse of Gender Identity, and the ideas and concepts that embody the political movement surrounding the notion, are riddled with inconsistencies and conceptual incoherence, which render the political debate surrounding gender politics increasingly impenetrable. In this talk, Dr Rebecca Reilly-Cooper will examine the philosophical coherence and scientific plausibility of the notion of Gender Identity, as well as the social and cultural implications of its associated identity politics.

Reilly-Cooper is a lecturer in political theory at the University of Warwick. She is a once liberal and now increasingly radical feminist, and is currently finishing a book on sex, gender and identity politics entitled “The Politics of Gender Identity: A Feminist Critique”, to be published with Palgrave later this year.